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Un conseiller d’orientation explique comment il a redécouvert ses forces et s’est façonné une nouvelle trajectoire professionnelle.
Educational development is an alt-ac career that leverages teaching experience and ‘enhances the work of colleges and universities, with a focus on teaching and learning.’
Goal setting helps graduate students approach studies mindfully, normalizes challenges around future goals.
Community and mentorship are critical for supporting the success of graduate students with disabilities.
By using labour market information as a tool for targeted career exploration, you can facilitate a smoother transition to employment following graduation.
This path allowed me to dive into a new field while maintaining a time commitment comparable to a traditional master’s program.
Dans un processus de recherche d’emploi à l’extérieur du milieu universitaire, les titulaires de doctorat sont souvent appelés à justifier leur choix d’être allés aux cycles supérieurs.
Mettant à profit leurs propres expériences, cinq universitaires brossent un portrait des hauts et des bas qui attendent les professeur.e.s en début de carrière.
Five academics draw on their own experiences to paint a portrait of the ups and downs that await new professors.
June 29, 2020
Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund deadline extended
On May 15, the federal government created the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF) as part of a suite of temporary financial aid programs to help employers and workers through financial ...Le gouvernement présentera un plan d’action, qui pourrait être accompagné d’un financement supplémentaire, visant à favoriser l’accès et la réussite à l’université.
The government is preparing an action plan to improve university access and success – and it may bring additional funding to the sector.
Techniques for coherent, analytical lit reviews.
I’m frustrated by the feedback that my supervisor gives me. She wrote that my literature review was “choppy,” and when I asked her how to fix this, she told me to “add nuance.” I don’t understand what these terms mean in practice, and so I don’t know what...
It may the last big human-rights issue of our age – welcoming people who identify with the sex opposite to the one they were born with.