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En Marge
par LÉO CHARBONNEAU | 17 février 2010

What happens when a “good education” doesn’t lead to a good job?

What should you do if you’ve “done everything right” – went to university, perhaps even grad school – and yet you’ve failed to land meaningful employment? I have no career advice to offer, but do suggest you might have a look at a new blog by Laura Servage, a doctoral student at the Univ...
The Black Hole-FR
par DAVID KENT | 08 mai 2017

Get ’em while they’re young, says David Kent.

One of the biggest challenges facing early career researchers in biomedical science is the substantial shift in human resources for training periods – PhDs take longer, postdoctoral fellowships take longer (or are multiple), and the average age to first faculty position keeps getting later and lat...
Speculative Diction-FR
par MELONIE FULLICK | 16 mars 2016
In a post Continue reading I wrote about how usually, when it’s argued there is an “overproduction” of PhDs, “demand” for doctoral graduates is being implicitly de...
Conseils carrière
par NANDA DIMITROV | 17 novembre 2008

Five practical tips to help you beat academic culture shock

When visiting another country, openness, flexibility and a willingness to dig into your emotional toolbox to solve problems are often needed to overcome culture shock. Academic culture shock is no different: research in the field of cross-cultural psychology demonstrates that tolerance for ambigu...
Conseils carrière
par ROGER GRAVES | 15 janvier 2014

How to get your students to submit better assignments.

Do you want to: a) Improve the quality of writing your students turn in at the end of the term? b) Save time grading that stack of papers? c) Improve your course evaluations? d) All of the above? One way to accomplish these goals is to invest in revising the writing assignments in your cour...
Conseils carrière

Un perfectionnement professionnel structuré.

En 2012, le département de biochimie de l’Université de Toronto a mis sur pied un cours crédité en perfectionnement professionnel aux cycles supérieurs. L’effectif était limité à 20 étudiants, de façon à offrir un contexte d’apprentissage intime et interactif. Le cours a mis l’acc...
Conseils carrière
par SHOSHANAH JACOBS | 11 janvier 2017
For the last five semesters I have co-taught an introductory biology course. Until now, this has not been the norm in our department. This semester has been different for many instructors: half of our courses are now co-instructed. This dramatic restructuring has caused me to reflect on my experienc...
Conseils carrière
par LESLEY IRVINE | 02 octobre 2020

Les visioconférences changent la donne dans la mesure où l’orateur se voit parler en direct.

Avec le confinement et les restrictions liées à la crise du Covid-19, nombreux sont les élèves et les parents qui se sont habitués à dialoguer par caméra interposée, avec un ordinateur, une tablette ou un smartphone. La difficulté consiste en général à trouver un endroit propice où s’...
Conseils carrière
par YVES LABERGE | 10 février 2021

Il suffit d’un peu d’imagination pour maximiser toutes les possibilités que peut offrir l’enseignement asynchrone.

De nos jours, enseigner asynchroniquement signifie que les étudiants suivent en différé, et non en direct, un cours à distance préalablement enregistré, par exemple sur leur écran individuel. Pour l’enseignant, il s’agit de préenregistrer, étapes par étapes ou d’un seul trait, chaque...
Conseils carrière
par CAROLYN STERN | 18 février 2021

By using your emotions like data, grad students and leaders alike will be able to boost productivity, engagement as well as their overall well-being.

Feelings are not facts. They are just feelings. Not good or bad, right or wrong, just an emotional reaction to a person, thing or situation. Learning to be bigger than your emotions is critical for success in school, business and life. Young people (particularly Generation Z) need to learn to be an ...
Conseils carrière
par MABEL HO & CATHERINE MAYBREY | 22 juin 2021

How an online career symposium created connections for graduate students, postdocs and staff.

With over 3,000 registrations for 16 sessions, “I am not alone,” may be the most surprising sentiment that describes the feelings of thousands of attendees at the inaugural Canadian Career Symposium for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows this past November. As 2020 was largely marked by ...
Conseils carrière
par KATIE GEORGE | 08 décembre 2022

Without properly training them, we are throwing our academics to the wind and shortchanging their students.

There I sat in the lecture hall as an undergraduate student two decades ago, my eyes glazing over from the monotonous droning of our prof who recited, word for word, the information we could all read on his haphazard slides. Even then I wondered: doesn’t anyone train professors how to teach? Tu...
From PhD to Life-FR
par JENNIFER POLK | 19 janvier 2016
Earlier this month I attended the American Historical Association conference in Atlanta. Although I earned my PhD in history, this was my first time at the annual event. I didn’t go to present a paper or otherwise talk about my research, and I didn’t go to interview for an academic job. I went t...
From PhD to Life-FR
par MAREN WOOD | 23 octobre 2018

What has and hasn’t worked at institutions that support career development and professionalization.

Over the past several years, Jen and I have interviewed hundreds of PhDs about their career transitions. We consistently hear is that PhDs have what it takes in terms of education and skills to move into meaningful careers beyond the professoriate, but they often struggle to land their first positio...
Café Carrières
par JO VANEVERY | 20 août 2012
The imminent beginning of a new academic year seems like a good time to broach this difficult topic. Before you make another tuition payment, it's a good idea to make a conscious decision about whether doing a PhD is still the right path for you.

How do you feel?

This is a serious questio...
Responsabilités potentielles

Even in our new virtual world, you can still create meaningful connections to others in your field.

It’s not easy being a graduate student in 2020. On top of all the stresses and pressures of pursuing an advanced degree, the ongoing pandemic has brought Continue reading...
Responsabilités potentielles
par CRISTINA D’AMICO & MICHAL KASPRZAK | 12 février 2021

Whether you are an academic-in-waiting or seeking a non-academic career, it is important to reflect on and show off the breadth of your teaching experience.

Whether as teaching assistants, course instructors, lab technicians or mentors, graduate students engage in a multitude of teaching-related work while completing their degrees. Continue reading how to reflect on and articulat...
Matière à réflexion
par TANIA SULTANA | 01 spetembre 2023

This handy checklist will help you address any potential gaps in your application.

For doctoral candidates, obtaining a fellowship is a significant step towards advancing their academic careers. Receiving a Continue reading – open to Canadian and international applicants – provides a ca...
Matière à réflexion
par TANIA SULTANA | 14 spetembre 2023

À l’approche de la date limite pour soumettre un dossier, une ex-boursière formule quelques conseils à l’intention des candidat.e.s.

L’obtention d’une bourse postdoctorale est une grande étape dans la carrière universitaire d’un.e doctorant.e. Accessible aux universitaires du Canada et de l’étranger, la Continue reading est la prom...
Contenu commandité
par CHRIS HELSBY | 17 avril 2024

Artificial intelligence has swiftly become a transformative force in higher education, reshaping the student journey from induction to learning outcomes.

The academic community has come a long way in 12 months, with positive attitudes toward AI now prevalent and with academics ranging from cautiously optimistic to enthusiastic about harnessing its potential to invest in students. Now, as the sector transitions from a year of fact-finding in 2023 t...
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