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From PhD to Life-FR
par JENNIFER POLK | 09 janvier 2018
This is a guest post by Raj Dhiman, PhD, who works as an inside sales manager (small business) at Rogers Communication. Unemployment hurts. Plain and simple. I experienced it when I left academia about five years ago. I was PhD in hand and applying for the “obvious” jobs: assi...
From PhD to Life-FR
par MAREN WOOD | 26 mars 2018

We think all PhD students would benefit from attending, and that includes individuals who are committed to securing an academic position after graduation.

Jennifer Polk and I are thrilled to present the 5th Annual Beyond the Professoriate conferenc...
From PhD to Life-FR
par JENNIFER POLK | 26 novembre 2018

While individual initiative is vital, a larger cultural shift is needed.

This is a guest post by Drs Jonathan Malloy and Loleen Berdahl. Jonathan Malloy is a professor in the department of political science at Carleton University. His research areas include Canadian political institutions and career development processes in universities. Loleen Berdahl is a professo...
From PhD to Life-FR
par JENNIFER POLK | 29 juillet 2020

If your job search is falling flat, try remembering a moment when you felt most energized or engaged – this will give you valuable insight into yourself.

When it comes to sorting out what you want to do next, you need to get past the “any job, anywhere” thinking. You need something more manageable, both for yourself and for anyone attempting to help you along the way. So you start to do the things folks like me suggest doing, including conducting...
Café Carrières
par NICOLA KOPER | 03 octobre 2011
The Tri-council funding system, made up of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funding councils, reminds me a bit of Fluffy. You know,
Café Carrières
par NICOLA KOPER | 24 spetembre 2012
One of the best benefits of teaching graduate students is being given the opportunity to meet so many extraordinary people from all over the world. Our department is like many at Canadian research universities; typically, 25-50% of our graduate students are from outside of Canada. This provides a ri...
Café Carrières
par UA/AU | 23 avril 2014
This is a guest post by Isaiah Hankel, author and consultant at Continue reading. Hard skills are dying. Think of how many hard skills have been outsourced or replaced by computer apps over the last 10 years – thousands. Remember when large compa...
Café Carrières
par LIZ KOBLYK | 02 juin 2014

Removing some of your academic experiences from your resume may seem wrong, but Liz Koblyk says it will help you during the job search.

For a mere two to three pages of text, your cover letter and resume can cause a lot of heartbreak. This is especially the case if you are looking for your first non-academic job. Cutting down your CV, and condensing or even eliminating your academic experience in order to create a focused resume...
Café Carrières
par LIZ KOBLYK | 02 mai 2016

These lists are not useful because they are built around a tiny part of what makes you a good job candidate.

If careers were linear, the logical topic for this post might be “careers you can do...
Café Carrières
par LIZ KOBLYK | 14 février 2019

The secret CV doesn’t contain things you want to hide, but rather things that you’re proud of, and haven’t yet found a way to articulate.

As failure CVs make the rounds, they confirm that Continue reading. It’s not the only kind of atypical CV that can help you to reconceptualize your career. I...
Café Carrières
par ANDREA EIDINGER | 16 juillet 2020

Self-reflections are another kind of metric, one that can create space for us to think carefully about our mission and mandates as teachers.

The end of the semester can engender a number of complicated feelings. Some of us feel relief at not having to answer quite so many emails, joy at finally being finished our grading, and grief over the fact that we will likely never see our students again. As in the case with transition periods, man...
Café Carrières
par ANDREA EIDINGER | 02 mars 2021

How I adapted my regular course for a pandemic reality.

In June 2020, I wrote an article called Continue reading with recommendations on how to handle the transition to online education at the begin...
par TARA SIEBARTH | 06 spetembre 2017


Continue reading


Continue reading


Roy Pogorzelski has been ap...
par TARA SIEBARTH | 27 novembre 2019


The new era of EDI: Efforts to promote equity, diversity and inclusion are sweeping Canada’s campuses


Tragedy of the commons


The Univ...
par TARA SIEBARTH | 13 janvier 2021


How are you doing?: A bit tired, thanks. You?


Now is not the time for nagging


Yann Arthur has been appointed coordinator of campus recre...
par UA/AU | 01 novembre 2016
Un Continue reading de l’Université de Sherbrooke a exploré les pistes qui s’offrent à eux après un doctorat. Partage d’une expérience de réalisation vidéo par et pour des étudiants gradués. « Nous avons découvert l’e...
Student Voices
par DAVID KIM | 03 mars 2015

Find your passion and learn how to apply it to make positive change – these are the tasks for the 21st-century student.

We often lose sight of the bigger picture when we become too focused with a goal or an objective. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but I have found from my personal experiences that I have had to remind myself to keep things in perspective. I mean two specific things that I remind myself...
L'aventure universitaire
par JESSICA RIDDELL | 06 décembre 2016
This fall I returned to teaching after a three-year hiatus. Two maternity leaves plus a sabbatical meant that, although I kept myself busy with other forms of scholarly activity, I had not stepped foot in a classroom for three years. That’s almost the lifespan of an undergraduate cohort, and in so...
Légalement parlant
par CHERYL FOY & MELISSA GERRITS | 16 avril 2020

A balanced solution will allow you to detect violations of academic integrity while minimally interfering with students’ privacy.

The global pandemic has turned the conventional classroom into a virtual classroom. Universities’ quick transition to online learning, instruction and assessment has raised myriad concerns and questions for faculty, students and administrators as they navigate this “new normal.” A key quest...
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