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par ROGER GRAVES AND DAVID SLOMP | 18 décembre 2013

University students need to learn to write for different disciplines and assignments, and testing the skills they learned in high school isn’t relevant to what they will need to learn.

We commend Nicholas Dion and Vicky Maldonado for calling for assessments of university students’ writing (“We need to assess student literacy skills”) in University Affairs. We agree with their argument that without these assessments, universities will face budget cuts and students ha...
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par THOMAS KLASSEN | 02 avril 2014

Their grades are mediocre, so it’s tough to promote themselves to employers and grad schools.

According to poet T.S. Eliot, April is the cruelest month. And this indeed is so for many recent university graduates, and some not so recent. By April many of the students who completed studies in 2013 have had nearl...
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par RYAN J. MAILLOUX | 23 avril 2014

Publish in Nature or perish.

Postdoctoral work involves mentorship, specifically between the junior academic (the postdoctoral fellow) and a senior scientist at an academic institution. Typically this type ...
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par ELIZABETH FLYNN-DASTOOR | 10 spetembre 2014

Students need social supports.

Matthew de Grood was known as a good student, heading off to law school, but something was broken in him and it snapped on the night that he stabbed five of his University of Calgary peers to death. I won’t begin to speculate about the specifics of
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par ERIN CLOW | 04 août 2015

An alt-ac career is not the traditional route for a PhD, but it’s not shameful.

Before even beginning my PhD, I had doubts about whether a “traditional” academic career was the right path for me. Once in my program, it didn’t take me long to discover that academia was not where I saw myself for the rest of my life. I didn’t understand it at the time, and I certainly did...
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par THOMAS KLASSEN | 14 octobre 2015

Despite some concerns, a liberal arts degree is still the best preparation for a rewarding career.

A million university students have returned to the classroom across Canada. Most are worried about their prospects after graduation, especially those using loans to finance their studies and those in liberal arts programs. Many undergraduate students don’t understand the connection between clas...
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par SPENCER NESTICO-SEMIANIW | 24 février 2016

We have the necessary means if we re-allocate it to those truly in need.

It's not what you have, it’s how you use it. Although this phrase has devolved from maxim to cliché, it’s something that our postsecondary sector should pay attention to. As a student leader at McMaster University, I have the opportunity to talk to my peers about their experiences o...
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par MATTHEW SCRIBNER | 29 mars 2016

But some issues need to be approached tactfully and professionally.

The small patches of university campuses sometimes called “safe spaces” have been the subject of Continue reading
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par KAREEM EL-ASSAL | 24 mai 2016

If we don’t move quickly, Canada risks seeing many of these young, bright minds take their talents elsewhere.

Ambitious, skilled and often multilingual, international students are a great source of talent. They fill jobs and create new ones through innovation and entrepreneurship — Silicon Valley is a prominent, international example. Research by the Conference Board of Canada shows immigrants help expand...
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par PAUL KEEN | 02 août 2016
Tout organisateur de conférence a forcément à l’esprit la crainte que l’auditoire ne soit pas au rendez-vous. Ce n’est heureusement pas ce qui s’est produit lors de la conférence sur l’avenir des programmes de doctorat en sciences humaines, qui s’est tenue en mai à l’Université C...
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par MITCH DIAMANTOPOULOS | 07 mars 2017

La réalité n’a plus la cote.

Plus besoin du dictionnaire de la novlangue de 1984 pour se rendre compte que notre époque est orwellienne. L’Oxford English Dictionary a récemment désigné post-truth («
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par BRENDA BROUWER | 09 mai 2017

By its actions, the country has shown its deep commitment to diversity, inclusivity and global citizenry.

Earlier this year, Canadian graduate schools responded quickly to offer their support to researchers and grad students impacted by U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban. Our schools offered to extend application deadlines, provide workspaces and grant visiting-researcher status to stranded stud...
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par BRENDA BROUWER | 12 mai 2017

Le pays a démontré son profond engagement à l’égard de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de la citoyenneté mondiale.

Plus tôt cette année, les facultés d’études supérieures canadiennes n’ont pas perdu de temps à répondre à l’appel et à offrir leur soutien aux chercheurs et aux étudiants touchés par les répercussions du décret émis par le président des États-Unis Donald Trump. Nos écoles ont ...
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par MARC COUTURE | 15 juin 2017

La transition vers le libre accès est l’occasion de réformer la publication scientifique afin de mieux servir l’intérêt public.

quote>« Une tradition ancienne et une technologie nouvelle ont convergé pour rendre possible un bienfait public sans précédent. »quote> L’Continue reading (20...
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par BART DE BAERE & ELICIA MAINE | 18 spetembre 2017

We advocate for a harmonized intellectual property policy based on the creator-owned model.

In today’s global knowledge economy, Canada needs to foster policies that encourage ambitious science research and the commercial translation of resulting inventions into innovation. The recently completed review of Canada’s science funding framework, commissioned by federal Minister of Science ...
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par JULIA M. WRIGHT | 06 novembre 2017

Canada is hemorrhaging early career research capacity.

For a generation now, our PhD graduates have struggled with a shrinking academic job market in Canada, many of them in under-compensated teaching jobs with little support for research, or in non-academic positions. The decline in academic jobs has been addressed primarily as a graduate student issue...
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par JULIA M. WRIGHT | 06 novembre 2017

Comme le Canada ne manque pas de chercheurs en début de carrière, on assiste à un déséquilibre.

Les titulaires de doctorat de la dernière génération sont aux prises avec un ralentissement du marché de l’emploi universitaire au Canada, et bon nombre d’entre eux doivent se contenter de postes d’enseignement qui offrent peu de soutien à la recherche ou de postes hors du milieu universi...
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par ADRIANE MACDONALD & NICOLE EVA | 26 février 2018

And here’s how we can do it.

Academia is unique in that professionals with highly specialized expertise, who are paid by public institutions, write articles and provide peer reviews to corporations who profit greatly without giving back to the research enterprise. In any other industry, such experts would charge up to $1,500/ho...
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par NICOLA KOPER | 29 mai 2018

Les femmes ne devraient pas se sentir obligées d’accepter un poste de direction pour combler l’écart entre les hommes et les femmes, car elles le font déjà tout simplement en évoluant dans le milieu universitaire.

J’ai récemment assisté à une conférence où, à la fin d’une table ronde, une de mes étudiantes aux cycles supérieurs, Chantal Maclean, a levé la main et posé la question suivante : « Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de femmes au sein de votre groupe d’experts? » Nous avons toutes les d...
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par KAREN ROBSON & REANA MAIER | 08 octobre 2018

A phenomenon called “ethics creep” is discouraging researchers rather than protecting study participants.

Researchers working with human subjects in North America and beyond are very familiar with ethics protocols required by institutions of higher education, protocols rightly put in place to minimize harm to research participants. In Canada, individual higher education institutions have ethical juri...
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