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par ROSANNA TAMBURRI | 12 février 2007

University heads increasingly have to juggle competing interests and the balancing act isn’t always easy

For university presidents, life at the top has never been much of a picnic. But lately the challenges seem to have multiplied. Within a four-week period towards the end of 2006, presidents at three Canadian universities resigned their posts. David Atkinson and Robert Hawkins stepped aside from Ca...
par ROSANNA TAMBURRI | 12 février 2007

Les chefs d’établissement doivent se montrer de plus en plus habiles pour concilier des intérêts concurrentiels… un équilibre pas toujours facile à trouver.

Pour les recteurs, la vie au sommet n'a jamais été de tout repos, mais dernièrement, les difficultés semblent s'être multipliées. Vers la fin de 2006, trois recteurs canadiens ont démissionné en quatre semaines : David Atkinson, de l'Université Carleton, et Robert Hawkins, de l'Universit...
par ROSANNA TAMBURRI | 10 spetembre 2007

Plus de version papier. La revue Canadian Journal of Sociology souhaite accroître son influence.

La revue scientifique Continue reading(CJS) a annoncé son intention de ne plus publier de version papier et de ne faire qu'une version en ligne à libre-accès. Il s...
par SAMANTHA FEX | 07 janvier 2008
A series of newspaper articles this past fall seemed to herald the demise of the campus pub because students are generally drinking less. But that impression of widespread closures is simply not accurate, says Jeff Dockeray, the executive director of the Campus Hospitality Managers Association, a gr...
par TIM LOUGHEED | 06 octobre 2008

International group advises universities to stop using patents to measure IP success

Counting patents may be the easiest way for administrators to measure the success of a university’s adventures in technology transfer, but Richard Gold insists that it is also the wrong way. The McGill University law professor argues that universities should not be counting their patents, but i...
par LÉO CHARBONNEAU | 06 octobre 2008

Countries are eyeing this vast resource as a potential energy source

The ancient elements of fire and ice come together neatly in what could be the single greatest carbon-based energy source on the planet. That resource is gas hy...
par ANNE KERSHAW | 12 janvier 2009

Economy’s slide and end of mandatory retirement see more profs staying on

Professor Robert Adamec, age 64, does not plan to retire next year but is “pretty sure” he will be ready to go at 69. And the ball is in his court. With the elimination of mandatory retirement in most parts of Canada now, the rules of the game have changed to allow employees to decide for themse...
par ANNE KERSHAW | 12 janvier 2009

Le ralentissement économique et l’abolition de la retraite obligatoire contribuent au maintien en poste des professeurs

Robert Adamec, un professeur de 64 ans, ne prévoit pas prendre sa retraite l’an prochain, mais croit bien qu’il sera prêt à faire le grand saut à 69 ans. En raison de l’abolition de la retraite obligatoire dans la plupart des provinces canadiennes, les règles du jeu ont changé et les emp...
par JULIA KILPATRICK | 06 avril 2009
The University of Ottawa has a new slogan: Help wanted. In March, the school issued a memo to its alumni, asking those who are not currently involved in the co-op program to consider hiring students and “accept the challenge of bett...
par NICK TAYLOR-VAISEY | 04 août 2009

Ruling by Canada’s university sports body won’t keep SFU from switching to NCAA

Canada’s university sporting body, Canadian Interuniversity Sport, is closing the door on its members joining competing sports leagues. But that won’t affect Simon Fraser University, which has already decided it is leaving CIS for the National Collegiate Athletic A...
par NICK TAYLOR-VAISEY | 04 août 2009

Après l’adhésion de l’Université Simon Fraser à la NCAA, l’association canadienne de sport universitaire interdit la double appartenance aux équipes sportives universitaires

par PEGGY BERKOWITZ | 08 spetembre 2009

In its pre-budget submission to the federal government, association puts emphasis on research spending

Canada’s universities are calling for significant new investments in university research through the three federal granting councils in the lead up to the next federal budget. Citing “a growing worldwide consensus that countries that invest heavily in education, research and innovation will l...
par NICK TAYLOR-VAISEY | 08 spetembre 2009

Canada Student Loans Program expects to dole out over $500 million in new grants

As the student unemployment rate rises in Canada, so too does the number of student loan applications. Some students didn’t even wait until they were enrolled in the fall semester to ask for financial help. “They can’t even make rent for the May to August period, so they are knocking on our...
par NICK TAYLOR-VAISEY | 08 spetembre 2009

Le Programme canadien de prêts aux étudiants prévoit accorder plus de 500 millions de dollars supplémentaires sous forme de bourses

par LÉO CHARBONNEAU | 21 spetembre 2009

Study finds similarities, some surprising differences, at Canada’s universities

Tenure – it’s the Holy Grail of academic work, yet there has been relatively little study of tenure and promotion policies at Canada’s universities. A new analysis of such policies by two doctoral candidates at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto helps t...
par JOSÉE DESCÔTEAUX | 06 avril 2010

Un nouveau projet pour aider les étudiants qui ont des « troubles d’apprentissage ».

« On croit à tort que ces personnes ne peuvent accéder aux études supérieures, car leur handicap n'entrave nullement l'intelli...
par JOEY FITZPATRICK | 07 février 2011

As director of animal care at Memorial University, Jennifer Keyte has the task of ensuring the ethical and humane treatment of her charges.

She rode horses as a young girl and her family owned the standard household pets. But Jennifer Keyte was never the type to volunteer untold hours at the local animal shelter. “I felt like a bit of an imposter in vet school,” the director of animal care at Memorial University admits. “So many o...
par JOHN LORINC | 13 juin 2011

A new system for allocating one of Canada’s most important grants program for university scientists leads to upsets in who gets funding.

University of Toronto math professor Jim Colliander likens the problem to owning a fleet of snazzy sports cars and not being able to come up with enough cash to pay for gas. For the past decade, thanks to programs like the
par JOHN LORINC | 13 juin 2011

Le nouveau système d’attribution des subventions de l’un des plus importants programmes canadiens destinés aux chercheurs universitaires crée des remous.

Jim Colliander, professeur de mathématiques à l’Université de Toronto, compare ce problème à un propriétaire de rutilantes voitures de sport qui serait incapable de payer son essence. Au cours de la dernière décennie, les universités canadiennes ont recruté avec succès des centaines ...
par LÉO CHARBONNEAU | 30 novembre 2011

The real question, said panelists at the Canadian Science Policy Conference, is how to better prepare graduates for life outside academe.

Is Canada producing too many PhDs? It was one of the questions that panelists were asked to consider at a session on the training of scientists at the third annual Canadian Science Policy Conference held in Ottawa in mid-November. None of the panelists ventured a straight-out “yes,” but most ...
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